Whether you’re looking for relaxation, pain and injury management or ready to dive into a whole new you.
Walk away from Pain
Pain and injury resolution using touch, kinesiology and functional medicine to get to the root cause of pain and dysfunction in the body. This person centred approach looks carefully at your health and wellness as well as your medical and injury history.
Reconnect with your body
Body work to ease you back into yourself. Gentle touch to relax the body, using techniques ranging from deep pressure to light touch and skin stretching. Sometimes stretches and small movements are used.
Make sense of your symptoms
Ever wondered why supplements don’t seem to work? been wiped out after a virus? get reactions to foods that you didn’t used to? Come and learn about your innate health and how to regain it.
Create more space for yourself
Guided breathwork and clearing to wash through old ideas and beliefs, feel lighter. Cellular Release Therapy is a gentle hypnotherapeutic approach to release and clear trauma. It is especially good for PTSD.
Feeling hung out to dry?
Come back down to ground. Rebalance and recharge by learning how to relax using simple breathwork and vagus nerve exercises.
Contact me
You can find me at Balm, 106 Regent st, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 4RN
and 29 Hanworth Close Lillington, Leamington Spa CV32 7PP
I also work via zoom for remote sessions
07905 183316