About Me
Reconnect body and mind, Breathe, relax and notice the difference.
Over the years how I describe what I do has changed. I dive headlong into everything that I study then integrate it with the other influences that have shaped my work.
I see a lot of people in pain with highly stressed nervous systems. My main goal is to help you regain a sense of ease and wellbeing. I am passionate about giving you the tools you need to support you as you heal.
Nature, art and story, psychology, science, personal growth, understanding suffering - the individual journey, relationships, attachment and surrender.
A car accident in my early 20’s left my unable to sit without my back going into spasm for 2 years. Movement and exercise were fundamental in my shift out of this experience and was a result of my enquiry into my body and its experience. My GP at the time just prescribed my antidepressants which was exasperating. I had also come out of a challenging relationship and I had to rebuild my whole life. Understanding my behaviours in past relationships has transformed the way I communicate with others and simplified many areas of my life.
Insight & Education
Your body is inherently strong it may just be lacking confidence.
My work started in gyms, teaching exercise classes and showing people how to use equipment. My curiosity quickly led me to study Sports Therapy and massage. Craniosacral therapy, Pilates, Functional movement and biomechanics, IAM (Instrument Assisted Massage), Neurokinteic therapy, P-DTR (Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Reflex technique) and Adaptable Polarity followed. The powerful approach of Cellular Release Therapy followed and I am currently studying Functional Medicine. I am a perpetual student.
Sometimes people resist seeking treatment which often requires acknowledging certain uncomfortable truths. You aren’t invincible, you may be required to take an active role in your healing, not every problem just goes away if you wait long enough, some problems require help and a fresh perspective beyond what you can do for yourself, its also possible that you may be told something that you don’t want to hear.
Mindset and neuroemotional shifts
This is fundamental to change. In the past I have had times where I have felt totally stuck in my mind and my body. Have you ever felt frustrated with yourself not being able to ‘move on’ from something? Maybe you still feel tearful when you talk about a particular subject or get stuck in the ‘washing machine’ of the mind going over and over the same situation. Maybe you have been so frustrated with yourself or pain in your body that you have simply come to accept your symptoms as normal. There is always another way to move our body and mind to allow for change and there are infinite ways to do this.
As I get older I find myself asking more and more questions. I love finding solutions.
Different kinds of touch influence the body’s nervous system indifferent ways. There is the pleasurable rhythm of massage to relax with. The light, still touch of Craniosacral therapy which is deeply relaxing and quiets the mind in a different way.
Working with the different receptors of the body can provide a profound change in experience, you are an active participant and will be asked to get up and down and move more with these approaches. The way the body responds to different types of touch never ceases to amaze me.
Contact me.
You can find me at Balm, 106 Regent st, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 4RN
and 29 Hanworth Close Lillington, Leamington Spa CV32 7PP
I also work via zoom and provide remote sessions
07905 183316