We are living in frenetic times. Having tools to support your wellbeing is essential
These can take the shape of specific supplements to support your nervous system, simple breathing exercises, a movement practice, making time to make yourself a cup of tea and just sitting down quietly to drink it. Having a morning and bed time routine to support your sleep. Making time for quality time with loved ones.
There has ben a lot written about the role of the vagus nerve and its importance in helping the body ‘down regulate’. Within your bodies responses you have the sympathetic response or fight, flight, freeze, and overwhelm and the parasympathetic state of rest, restore, digest, heal. We tend to be much more adept at accessing our stress responses than we are at accessing our restore responses. Chronic life stressors may become the norm in busy lives so that we may not even recognise how stressed we are. Symptoms like post nasal drip, congestion, aches and pains, background UTI’s or candida symptoms and IBS all become accepted as part of you or part of perimenopause. When’s the last time you sat down and really assessed your patterns and repeat problems. Recognising them is the first step.
In my workshops we will cover vagus nerve exercises which include simple breathing techniques and movements, pilates and functional movement influenced mobilisations, guided breathwork and clearing work to help you feel more grounded and entered.