Cellular Release Therapy
A gentle hypnotherapeutic clearing technique.
Cellular Release Therapy is a gentle hypnotherapeutic modality based on the work of Anne Drucker.
How can I explain something of this powerful modality to you?
Often specific incidents in our lives can leave a lasting impression. Sometimes the ‘emotional charge’ of an experience can hijack our everyday experience. For example: I had a traumatic experience when I gave birth to my son and even 8 years after he was born I would often get emotional or tearful talking about it; my throat would literally close up and I would have an internal tussle to calm myself down. Although my body had healed and I could intellectualise and rationalise the whole experience there was clearly there was still a strong ‘charge’ around this experience.
One of the clearings offered with cellular release therapy is for clearing the charge around the events of a specific incident. This can be very useful for the kind of experience that you’ve never felt quite the same since. These may include an injury, an illness, a medical intervention, an accident or a loss of some kind. I once worked with a lady who had had a bad biking injury and shattered her jaw. In lockdown she was unable to wear a face mask or face shield without having a panic attack. Wearing a mask was triggering memories of being in hospital and having facial reconstructive work. We worked on clearing the experience of the actual accident, the experiences of being in hospital and the medical interventions she’d had and the fears and beliefs that had arisen out of these experiences. She was much more comfortable after this work and able to wear a face mask/shield.
Our healing is multi faceted. Often our emotional load is overlooked and we may think we ‘just have to get on with it’ or ‘pull ourselves together’. Trauma often shatters our sense of self and what Cellular Release Therapy offers is a way to clear the charge around these events. It doesn’t change what happened but it can clear the shock around the experiences enabling you to move on with your life.
For this modality you are invited to relax and then we work with your permission to realise and clear the series of experiences that are a part of main topic. You use your fingers to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’, you are fully conscious throughout the session in a deeply relaxed state. The biggest surprise I had when I first experienced the modality was how easy it was to release and clear things - it was such a relief.
I had been is psychotherapy for 2 years after coming out of a very difficult marriage. I didn’t enjoy psychotherapy - it was hard work and I was intensely frustrated with myself in the process. When I heard about CRT and had my first session with a colleague in America via Skype I was skeptical. I had always had therapy ‘in person’ and really didn’t know what to expect. I sat up after the session and was astonished to fell my mind quiet it was as if the static background hiss of noise in inside my mind had been turned down. I hadn’t even realised how bad the noise had been. I immediately booked to study the modality myself and for another session. I felt that a made more progress in 3 sessions or CRT than I had in 2 years of regular psychotherapy.